What are the most popular travel magazines? The most objective way to answer to this question is to consider the overall circulation. According to data from the Audit…
Each year, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) collects data on the international tourist arrivals for every country in the world. The most visited countries for the past year…
World tourism arrivals reaches 940 million in 2010 according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The majority or 51 percent of the international tourists were motivated to travel…
The National Trust for Historic Preservation designates a dozen distinctive places each year for Americans or foreigners to visit. These cities and towns offer an authentic visitor experience…
From the 2008-2018 period, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that there will be a significant increase in certain travel-related occupations with the biggest gains going to…
Ever wonder which regions around the world have the most travelers? According to the World Tourism Organization or UNWTO, Europeans travel more than all other regions combined with…
The past few years has seen a gradually increasing shift from surface transport to air transport for travelers. Slightly over half of tourists arrived at their destination via…